Welcome To JrmVille!

I don't really know how to code, and frankly I'm kind of scared of it! I don't know what this site will be, but I'm aspiring to be a biochem major, I draw sometimes, and do video games. That first thing is a bit hard to put onto a website, I'm not really in a lab right now so I can't post any cool spectroscopy graphs or cell cultures here, but those other two are certainly websiteable. If anyone's looking at this, which I doubt you are, website updates will be slow. I'm not a good coder, and thanks to some foolish bravado from two years ago I was a bit scared to get to improving. The shock's faded thanks to some brain rewiring I did over the last couple of months though, and I'm ready to get back into it!

What can you find here?

Jrmville is a self sustaining city state in the hills of Sweden, boasting lovely community based infrastructure. Such things include: public transit, walkabe streets, community housing, green space, and The Infant.

We also have wifi and running water or whatever

Here's what you can expect to see!